STEMCivics will implement Project Lead The Way (PLTW), the gold standard of rigorous and innovative science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education curricular programs used in schools across the U.S. PLTW's mission , "to prepare students for the global economy. PLTW accomplishes this through world-class curriculum, high-quality professional development, and an engaged network," is in alignment with the mission of STEMCivics. It's a perfect fit.
STEMCivics students take four years of engineering, a one-year PLTW course each year, and work alongside engineers and other professions in project- and career-based activities. The courses, Introduction to Design Engineering for freshman, followed by Principles of Engineering, Biotechnical Engineering, and Engineering Design and Development, give STEMCivics students maximum preparation for success in higher education and in the workplace.