Graduation Requirements


Content Area Credits and additional requirements
English Language Arts 20 credits
Mathematics 20 credits including: Algebra I or equivalent content; Geometry or equivalent content; third and fourth years of math that build on concepts and skills of algebra and geometry and prepare students for college and 21st century careers
Science 20 credits with at least 5 credits in each: Laboratory biology/life science or equivalent content; laboratory/inquiry-based science courses (i.e., chemistry, environmental science, physics)
Social Studies 15 credits including: 5 credits in world history; integration of civics, economics, geography and global content in all course offerings; N.J.S.A. 18A:35-1 and 18A:35-2
Financial Literacy (i.e., Personal Finance) 2.5 credits
Health, Safety, and Physical Education 3 ¾ credits in health, safety, and physical education during each year of enrollment, distributed as 150 minutes per week each year; N.J.S.A. 18A:35-5, 18A:35-7 and 18A:35-8
Visual and Performing Arts 5 credits
World Languages 10 credits
Technology Integrated throughout all courses
Engineering 15 credits
21st Century Life and Careers 5 credits


Total STEMCivics required credits = 132.5

Total state required credits = 120