Do you recognize the teacher?
2024-2025 Academic Year
The PURPLEfect Empire is buzzing again.
2023-2024 Academic Year
The best kids ever in the Class of '24 are now part of our distinguished alumni.
The best kids ever in the Class of '28 are one step closer to earning their high school diploma.
It's a rite of passage, and this one was on a yacht.
The PURPLEfect people are ready for their walk down the aisle.
The best kids ever are high-achievers, but manage to keep the blood pressure and temperature at normal levels.
You might have heard about music in elevators, but how about music in your high school hallway?
The best kids ever are doing it all -- robotics, equestrian, crew, just a name a few things.
The best kids ever learned a lot about snakes in the grass.
The best kids ever know how to pivot.
2022-2023 Academic Year
The best kids ever in the Class of '23 celebrated the conclusion of their PURPLEfect years at their commencement this week.
The Class of '27 celebrated completion of its middle school years at the Moving Up Ceremony last night.
The Class of '23 enjoyed its prom cruising on the Spirit of Philadelphia.
The best kids ever participated in the Liberty Science Center's program that streams live surgeries into classrooms.
The best reason to attend physics?
Another week, another honor for the PURPLEfect people
The best kids ever know how to mix learning with fun.
It's one of our favorite events -- celebrating the academic success of the PURPLEfect people.
The best kids ever understand their rights and freedoms.
2021-2022 Academic Year
2020-2021 Academic Year
JUNE 18, 2021 The PURPLEfect people in the Class of '21 celebrated their commencement at the hallowed grounds of PURPLEfect Palace this week, completing the last fifteen months of high school online.